How to Support Someone with Pelvic Pain | A Partner’s Guide to Care
Watching someone you love experience pain can be…well, painful. This topic was inspired by a question on reddit, addressed to people with periods, posed by a well-meaning, sympathetic partner: “How do I show up for...
The Four Phases of Your Menstrual Cycle
Castor Packs: The Natural Way to Relieve Period Pain
Castor oil is a natural remedy that has been used for centuries to treat a variety of health problems. Recently, it has been gaining popularity as a way to reduce period pain, inflammation, and hormone...
8 Natural Remedies for Menstrual Cramps from an Herbalist
I’ve had menstrual cramps ever since I started menstruating. Some months the cramps are light and barely noticeable, but other months they’re so bad I can hardly stand up. Like menstruators everywhere, I’ve had to...
How To Grocery Shop In Sync With Your Menstrual Cycle
If you’ve researched what to eat to have a happier, more pain free menstrual cycle, you may have come across a few different grocery lists of what you should buy for the different phases of...
How to use this Somatic Care Deck for Chronic Pain
This care deck was created to support folks in feeling more freedom, ease, pleasure and safety in their bodies. It is intended to empower you in feeling more embodied and more connected to yourself: to...
What is Endometriosis and How To Treat It
Period. Pain. Is. Not. Normal.
Let’s say that again, all together now.
Lux Perry, founder of somedays, had their first experience with debilitating period pain that landed them in the hospital at nine years old. For the next 20 years, they were passed from physician to physician, looking for answers and relief. “I have lived with chronic pain for most of my life. Before I was eventually diagnosed with endometriosis, I suffered from unexplained chronic pain my entire childhood.“
What Is Medical Gaslighting and 5 Ways To Recognize It
Am I exaggerating my symptoms of pain? Do I really need medical attention? Doctors are always right, so they must be right about my experiences of pain….right? These were the thoughts that plagued my brain immediately following appointments for seeking...