Toxic Things I Learned About Periods in the Catholic School System
I got my first period in the summer between grades 6 and 7. I remember being at the park with my friends months later and one of them said, “I wonder which of us will...

How My Chronic Pain Led Me To Entrepreneurship
I have been building businesses since I could talk. Lemonade stands, hair cutting, tutoring, babysitting, if there was a way to structure something into a repeatable action, I was all over it. My parents sent me to an...
How Healing my Vaginismus Changed my Relationship to Sex
I began heading towards my healing journey for my Vaginismus when I was in high school. I was aware of the need to heal but was not confident in how or what that would look...
How Queer Period Sex Changed My Relationship to Period Pain
It wasn’t until a couple of months in that I realized, instead of the instant and crippling anxiety I felt in anticipation of the pain that always followed the beginning of my period – I was thinking about sex. About pleasure. About loving my body. About being loved. That’s when everything changed.