Period pain is not normal – somedays

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Period pain is not normal.

Common, but not normal

Period cramps should not be debilitating. If they’re painful enough to get in the way of work, school, or daily life, it may be a sign that something else is going on. We encourage anyone with severe period pain to speak with their doctor and seek a diagnosis.

Somedays was founded by people living with chronic pain and endometriosis. Our products are designed to not only work to relieve pain in the moment, but to change our relationship with period pain entirely.

Your pain matters.

Society’s acceptance of period pain is largely responsible for the delayed diagnosis of diseases like endometriosis and adenomyosis. Medical gaslighting, along with the deep-seated belief that period pain is an inevitable part of life, means that many of us suffer in pain while being expected to carry on as normal. 

If you experience severe or debilitating pain during your period, you’re not alone. Your pain matters. And you deserve radical relief – just as much as the person with a broken bone. 

At somedays, we know that there’s no one-size-fits-all solution to managing your period pain. That’s why we’ve designed North America’s most comprehensive line of period wellness products. Our collection includes topicals, anti-inflammatory teas, dry brushes, heat therapy, and more. Take the quiz to get personalized product recommendations for your unique cycle. 

Endometriosis 101

Our founder’s journey began with an endometriosis diagnosis. Endometriosis affects approximately one in ten women and unmeasured numbers of transgender, non-binary and gender diverse individuals during their lifetime. Due to medical gaslighting (the repeated denial of someone’s health concerns in an attempt to invalidate or dismiss them), it takes about eight years for someone to get a diagnosis. 

The pain of people with endometriosis is often chronic, meaning it lasts for months on end. Endometriosis pain occurs throughout the month and not only during a period. For some, the pain can be so severe that it prevents them from completing daily activities such as working, visiting with family or friends, exercise, or even simple household chores. 

Although endometriosis and period pain are not the same, they are undeniably intertwined. Endometriosis can have many many symptoms that are completely unrelated to period pain, but we believe that the normalization of period pain plays a significant role in the delayed diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis.

Our approach to severe and chronic pain

When pain becomes chronic, the nervous system loses its ability to differentiate between good and bad sensations. At somedays, we believe in the power of a holistic and integrative approach to managing chronic pain. 

By adding pleasure into the pain relief routine, our bodies become engaged beyond the experience of simply looking for pain relief. Pleasure presents an opportunity for the brain to build new, less painful neural pathways for more long-term relief. We incorporate pleasure into our products by prioritizing sensory delight – as seen in our relaxing bath soaks, fragrant body oils, rich creams, soothing body wraps, weighted aromatic heat pads, and more. 

With the understanding that the uterus is a muscle, all of our products are backed by the science of muscle recovery, combined with traditional, natural methods of pain relief. 

“Somedays is created by and made for anyone who has ever felt dismissed, alone, or hopeless in their experience with period pain. It's a safe space for people to explore their relationship to pain, find community, and welcome pleasure into a part of their life that may have been previously untouched by it.”

Lux Perry | CEO and Co-Founder

You deserve a pain-free period

You shouldn’t have to accept debilitating period pain. Our natural, drug-free collection of period wellness products are here to provide radical relief and add pleasure into your period routine.